What we do
We develop and implement sustainable marine resource management models, utilising sea turtles as an indicator species for ecosystem health.

Ocean Conservation
We have a number of programmes which work towards ocean conservation.

LOC is involved in a number of education programmes

Community Outreach
LOC are currently engaged with 26 local community groups in order to raise awareness about conservation issues as well as support capacity building and training.

Sustainable Livelihoods
One of our focus points is to help local community groups develop alternative sources of income that will alleviate pressure on the marine environment.

Marine Information Centre
The Marine Centre hosts Kenya’s only Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Centre.
Come visit to tour our base, walk the information walkway and meet some of the crew.

Data & Monitoring
Our Management Information Systems allow us to effectively plan implement and manage/monitor our operations.

Policy & Advocacy
LOC actively promotes good practice, encourages adherence to laws and protocols, and educates stakeholders on the importance of sustainable marine resource management.

Mangrove Restoration
LOC has planted and monitored over 235,000 mangrove seeds and seedlings and manages an onsite mangrove nursery of which seeds are donated to local community groups.
LOC advocates for purposeful planting through continuous monitoring and evaluation to assess any need for large-scale restoration.
Get involved

Eco visits
An Eco Visit with us is an experience you will treasure for a lifetime!

The challenges we’re facing in the world right now can often seem overwhelming. They’re BIG and extremely complex problems.

LOC runs intern opportunities for those wanting to develop their skills and gain work experience.

Day visits
Drop in to our Marine Information Centre in Watamu, we’d love to see you!

Coral Reefs
Coral reefs inhabit less than 0.1% of the world’s ocean but are some of the most productive and diverse ecosystems on the planet.

Sea Turtles
Everything you need to know about Sea Turtles in Kenya!

Marine Protected Areas
We live on a blue planet, and yet the declining health of the ocean is one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime.
Marine Protected Areas offer a transformative solution, but they require local and global efforts for effective management.

Mangrove ecosystems are made up of salt tolerant evergreen trees found in inter tidal locations, usually where fresh and salt water meet, such as creeks.