Mida Creek Mangroves – an Eco Visitor’s Experience

On a warm and clear Thursday afternoon, we had the opportunity to explore Mida Creek. Our guide, Daniel, walked with us through the mangrove nursery, telling us about the trees and why mangroves are important for the environment. We learned even more about the trees while walking along a hanging boardwalk – trying to walk, balance and listen was a bit of a challenge, but we did it! The tide was coming in and this made the scenery appear even more beautiful than it already was.
After navigating the boardwalk we jumped into a canoe and continued our way along the creek. We saw many different birds including white storks and spoonbills. On paddling closer to the mangroves we saw many mudskippers, those odd looking fish with legs, on the roots of mangroves!
As the sun was setting, we canoed through the creek and were treated by our guide and canoeists to a rendition of Jambo Bwana. What a beautiful experience!
To learn more about the mangroves of Mida Creek, see here
By Miia Koivusaari, current Eco Visitor
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